Friday, March 13, 2015

Emergency Survival Kit... is yours ready? UPDATED

UPDATED: Happy Friday the 13th AGAIN. You guys might (or might not ) know that I have been training as part of a Community Emergency Response Team (Alameda CERT), and discovered there are some additional items that really should be added to this list. So I've taken the time to update it and test all of the links to make sure they are working.

We were told in our training that typically help in a disaster can take anywhere from 3 days to a week to arrive, depending on local resources and how bad a disaster is. Often times your local firefighters and police may not live in the communities they work in, and in an emergency they report to the station closest to their current location. That’s a sobering thought.

You won’t necessarily need everything on this list, it will depend on what you already have and how much you want to be prepared, as well as local climate. Those of you who live where it snows might need additional items.

Feel free to pass this along if you think others will find it helpful. Again, if there is anything you think I should add to this, please email me to let me know and I will make sure it finds its way on here.

Without further ado, here is our list of emergency supplies (scroll)


Happy Friday the 13th. In honor of superstition, I decided I would finally post about something that's been on my mind lately. What do you do with your family if disaster strikes?

I've been thinking a lot lately about how to handle an emergency situation...with little kids. It's a scary thought, and one I try not to dwell on, but living in California it's always in the back of my mind. When the kids were younger, I was driving across one of the Bay Area's most controversial bridges with a six month old baby and a two year old, both strapped into their car seats. And I thought "what if"... As panic started to set in I decided to do something rather than just sit there and freak out.

That evening I started to prep our kit. Because being prepared was one LESS thing to worry about. We keep all of our supplies in what I call a "Go-Bag". It's a big red duffle that sits on a shelf at our designated meeting point, next to the survival boxes and large first aid kit. Easy to just grab and go. In our case, it's located in the back laundry room because it is a sheltered area without a second floor and has two methods of exit as well as access to water. The kids know this is the place to go if they get scared and can't get outside to our meeting spot. They also know that our bag is there "in case Mommy or Daddy need help" and can't get to the bag. And now you know where to look for us if the big one hits.

After a lot of research and a bit of testing (on camping trips, mostly), below are the basics we have chosen to include in our kit. You can also refer to my list Toddler Airline Travel for some tips on keeping kids entertained. While the aforementioned list is geared towards toddlers, you can easily adjust the suggestions based on your own child's age and interests.

Without further ado, here is our list of emergency supplies. I've sourced everything through Amazon, that way if you want you can add things to your cart and get it all shipped to you. Then you'll just need to put it in your bag and rest easy!

Basic Necessities:
Medical Necessities
Fire Prevention, Suppression, and Escape
Visibility and Location:
Other items to include: 
  • Clothing - minimum of 1 outfit per person
  • Candles
  • Water (1 gallon per person per day)
  • Non-perishable foods
  • Prescription medicines
  • Copies of important paperwork (including insurance companies, family phone numbers, personal identification)
  • Infant items (bottles, diapers, etc.)
  • Spare car keys
  • Paper, pencil
  • Recent photos of your self/spouse/kids/pets (should you need to have to show or explain to anyone what they look like)
I really hope we never have need of our kit, but I sleep better at night knowing it is there if we need it. If there is anything you think is important that I forgot, please let me know and I will add it both to our bag and this list!